NAVEEN CHOUDHARY | "Every person is a New door to a Different world."

Indian Defence: Nation's Pride

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"How you start is important, but it is how you finish that counts. In the race for success, speed is less important than stamina. The sticker outlasts the sprinter." - B. C. Forbes

Factor - I Planning and Organizing

1.Effective Intelligence:
Effective Intelligence shows your ability to solve practical problems. Effective intelligence is something which is acquired by experience and is spontaneous.

2. Reasoning Ability
Actions done by a person in his/her life must have a definite reason for the same.

3. Organizing Ability
Organising ability refers to the ability of organising/managing a particular event/task in a given time constraint, with the available resources to the maximum probability of a best and successful result. 

4. Power of Expression
Power of expression is the ability to express yourself accurately,concisely and clearly. Power of expression is a very major quality that should be acquired by each one of you so as to excel in a particular field. Without the power of expression, previously mentioned two qualities.


5. Social Adoptability
Social Adaptability is a personality trait which shows that how well connected you are with your family, friends & society. It also deals with, how well you are able to manage different situation so as to keep your surroundings stable, i.e. with zero entropy.

6. Co-operation
Cooperation is your spirit to help or assist others so as to create abewitching environment. One should believe in Give-&-Take and this also holds true for the law of nature because nature acts as a photocopying machine, whatever you give the same is reflected back.

7. Sense of Responsibility
Whatever you do, that must be done with a sense of duty and discipline. Always follow the rules and regulation, its a precursor of a civilized person.

8. Initiative first step in a new direction, giving your 100% and sustaining that effort till last, reveals high degree of INITIATIVE. Taking initiative requires a GUT feel.

Factor - III- Social Effectiveness

9.  Self-Confidence
Self Confidence is your faith, upon yourself and in your abilities. Self confidence is reflected by, the way you walk, the way you talk and the way you express yourself. A strong body language, loud & clear voice and a good expressive personality exhibits a great self confidence. Remember, a well socially adaptable person will be able to add on something extra to his self confidence.

10. Speed of Decision
In all walk of life, many a times we come across a situation when we have to take a decision in fraction of seconds and when it comes to excellence your decision must be the right one. A quick and right decision making process shows your dynamism and clarity of PRACTICAL + THEORETICAL concepts. So you must have a good decision making process so as to excel in any field of life.

11. Ability to Influence Group
Ability to influence a group is the one's ability to mobilize and leave a positive impact on others by stamping their mind with one's own intelligence, performance, behavior and vibrant personality. To have the ability of influencing a group, one should have believe in thyself and believe in that particular thing which one is trying to do. This means that power of expression is a major factor which contributes towards ability to influence a group.

12. Liveliness ( Cheerfulness) 13. Resourcefulness
Liveliness is a very major factor in determining your success, as it can turn most of the negative situation into your favour and thus creating your mind full of theta waves (peaceful waves). One should always be energetic, optimistic and active. Always be cool and calm in ODD situation. Remember, liveliness means that one should always be at his full throttle, regardless of the situation.

13. Determination
Determination is one of the key factors for achieving your goal in life. Why such a high priority is given to this factor ? The reason is simple, in the journey to our success, many a times we have large no. of hurdles in our path, so in order to overcome such hurdles determination provides the power to sustain our effort and power to face all of them with courage. So one should always be determined so as to surpass in life.

14. Courage
Courage is the ability to take Calculated and Purposive risk without any fear of its consequences. Remember, never 'Lose your Cool and Explode'.

15. Stamina
Stamina is the ability to sustain prolonged stressful effort. Infact, when it comes to Indian Defence Forces, one has to show his endurance i.e. PHYSICAL + MENTAL Stamina.
 "Do you have it in you".  Improve the skills with pure National spirit and proudly say " Yes, I have it in me".  March ahead with confidence.