NAVEEN CHOUDHARY | "Every person is a New door to a Different world."

Rights of an individual versus duties towards the society

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“Versus”- the word itself tells the true essence of today’s social scenario. The word means to play in opposition and very aptly, today our rights are playing in opposition to the duties we are supposed to perform.
It was truly said that the difference between humans and animals is moral values, cultures, ethics etc.
Life-itself the widest concept in the universe, the scope of this concept is larger than the universe itself. Shaped and governed by political, biological, emotional, financial and numerous other factors, this life teaches us the relevance of two-sided coin called “Rights and Duties”.
Since childhood, we are taught that we have rights to enjoy and we have got duties to perform…. But unfortunately, most of us forgot the latter and remember only the former and then started emerging conflicts of interests, hatred and divisions of this blue planet. A nation is formed by its citizens who are vigilant, responsible and sound enough to live a sovereign, socialist, secular, independent life.

Whenever there is some discrimination with someone somewhere, then “Right to life” is something that comes to our mind provided we are the victim of that. but who victimizes the people. None other than us, when one remembers to enjoy his rights but ignores his duties, the society is put on stake for the sake of individual gains and there starts corruption, crime and downfall.

Travelling on the road is quite difficult if the roads are not in proper conditions, poorly maintained or not constructed at all. Thus, as a development project, we take them for granted in our country. When it comes to keep them clean, then we can see the cleanliness in form of banana peels, PAAN (beatle leaves) and gutkha on the walls, or road sides.

If demanding safe water from the municipal corporation is a right, then not to waste even a pinch of it is a duty and it needs to be performed.  If 24- hours electric supply is the right, then electricity theft need to be combated. If civil security is a right, then helping the police is an utmost important duty. And we know how well we do our part. So, the law of nature of “As you sow so shall you reapcomes into play and people get that from the government.

When it comes to criticize the nation, its judiciary, system and the machinery, we consider it our fundamental so called “given-by-democracy” right, but when it came to reform that system after completing the study, after acquiring proper resources and being able to perform our duty towards the nation, we got a term called Brain Drain.

The meetings and talk shows about compulsory education and Right to education amongst the upper strata is something we observe every day, Mohan Bhargava of Swades looks quite responsible and eligible contenders for the solution to this, but at last, they are found on silver screens only. In reality we get the graduates who are willing to work in small stores and restaurants in US, UK and Australia. They happily join politics and become governors, attorneys but they refrain from debugging our own motherland and society.

Swiss banks have millions of black money, all of us sat at jantar mantar with anna hazare in protest. But where did that come from? to protest, to demand that money back, to demand punishment of  the culprits is our right. But taking a bill after shopping is something which could have stopped this, did we ever look at the matter like this? And here the right of an individual became “versus” to the duties towards the society.