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Stock Market for Beginners

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A Stock Market or equity market is a public entity (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete entity) for the trading of company stock (shares) and derivatives at an agreed price; these are securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded privately. Participants in the stock market range from small individual stock investors to large hedge fund traders, who can be based anywhere. Their orders usually end up with a professional at a stock exchange, who executes the order of buying or selling.

Some exchanges are physical locations where transactions are carried out on a trading floor, by a method known as open outcry. This type of auction is used in stock exchanges and commodity exchanges where traders may enter "verbal" bids and offers simultaneously. The other type of stock exchange is a virtual kind, composed of a network of computers where trades are made electronically via traders.
Actual trades are based on an auction market model where a potential buyer bids a specific price for a stock and a potential seller asks a specific price for the stock. (Buying or selling at market means you will accept any ask price or bid price for the stock, respectively.) When the bid and ask prices match, a sale takes place, on a first-come-first-served basis if there are multiple bidders or askers at a given price.
The purpose of a stock exchange is to facilitate the exchange of securities between buyers and sellers, thus providing a marketplace (virtual or real). The exchanges provide real-time trading information on the listed securities, facilitating price discovery.
Market participants include individual retail investors, institutional investors such as mutual funds, banks, insurance companies and hedge funds, and also publicly traded corporations trading in their own shares.
The stock market is one of the most important sources for companies to raise money. This allows businesses to be publicly traded, or raise additional financial capital for expansion by selling shares of ownership of the company in a public market. The financial system in most western countries has undergone a remarkable transformation. One feature of this development is disintermediation. A portion of the funds involved in saving and financing, flows directly to the financial markets instead of being routed via the traditional bank lending and deposit operations. The general public interest in investing in the stock market, either directly or through mutual funds has been an important component of this process.

Stock Market is a game of Eyes and Mind, to be a successful investor the coordination between your Eyes and Mind should be perfect. The other thing that matter is your experience. These three things together are important for a successful Investor. Thus age doesn’t matter if the co-ordination between eyes and Mind is great, you can start in an early age through which you can gain more experience. You need to be brave heart to invest in the Stock Market because it’s a game of speculation. As the saying goes “A man without patience is like a boat without Oar” this truly implements in the stock market. In the same way if you have money and don’t have patience it would lead you to a disaster. Investment should be made carefully by being patient and not being greedy.

The more you observe the more you gain; if you will throw your money without deliberation of the company you will surely lose your money. It’s pretty obvious that everyone invest in the Stock Markets to make money but only a few can make it possible. As said earlier the Mantra to success is to great observation and patience. If you able to see beyond the market price of the company then only you can earn and make money. The Key factor for making money is to be patient and to wait for your turn.
“Experience makes a man perfect” here in the Stock Market also experience matters a lot other than age. If you start in earlier stage and observe the market closely then in future you will get its reward in a very good way. Stock market is Gambling; nothing is predictable here but still we have to make our assumption to invest our money and make profit out of it. Gambling, on the contrary, is a zero-sum game. It merely takes money from a loser and gives it to a winner. No value is ever created. By investing, we increase the overall wealth of an economy. As companies compete, they increase productivity and develop products that can make our lives better. Before investing your money in the real market you have to practice a lot on the paper and need to know about every key terms of Stock Market.
To increase your income many folds never depend on single source of income make investment on second source. Never invest on something beyond your capacity or things that you don’t or else soon you have to sell things you need. Do not save what is left after spending but spend what is left after saving. As the Stock Market is highly risky so you need to be carefully because “Never test the depth of river with both the feet”. For safe investment do not invest in only one company as they say do not put all eggs in one basket.
We are lured by the tales of big gains and the opportunity of making money online from trading, lots of it. This is simply too big a draw for us and we can tend to lose our sense of reality for a time. We can forget that there is also a possibility that we could lose money!
In almost every other aspect of life for which we are considering spending a sizable sum of money, we would research it and compare prices perhaps for some time, before we actually commit ourselves to handing over our hard earned savings. Sometimes we will even trawl the streets in that effort to save an extra few bucks, just in case we can get our purchase slightly cheaper from the store round the next corner and yet when it comes to stock market trading and investment where the stakes can be much higher, many of us readily dive in and throw our cash in to an investment without really knowing why we are doing it or even what we hope to gain from it.
We all make bad trades, it can be hard to handle when you have lost some money trading. After all when you are just getting started you aren’t expecting it to happen. The stock market is supposed to make you money right? You’re not supposed to lose the stock can’t go down, that’s the wrong way. Whenever you lose money doesn’t lose the lesson. Figure out why you lost and see what you could have done differently next time. Learning from your past trades helps you do well with other stock tips like controlling your emotions.
Most new traders look at the stock market as a pot of gold. You grab as many golden coins as possible then run off with a huge smile on your face. At least that is how I first imagined the market would be. But it’s not, you’re going to win some and lose some. No matter who tells you otherwise it is not profit, profit, profit, it is profit, loss, loss, profit.
You can’t control when you will experience a profit and when you will experience a loss. The only thing you can control is how much you will lose if you are wrong. So make it your business to cut your losses short and let your winners ride. The less you allow yourself to lose on a trade when you are wrong the less often you will have to be right to make a great return trading the markets. Make use of things like stop orders, position sizing, and risk management. They can be your best friend in the markets, and save you from being one of the herd panicking while they see their accounts drop 50+% in a bears market.

The Stock Market for Beginners can seem like a place to make some easy money fast. You often here in the news how a stock went up four points, and say to yourself, if I had gotten in on that one I could have made a killing. Fast easy money is far from the truth when it comes to the stock market. But you can make money in the stock market. Slow and easy is the way to go, and if you start at an early age, a fast and easy retirement is a reality.
Beginners at stock trading should take the time to get the education they need in order to succeed. You do not see a surgeon pick up a knife and become good at surgery overnight. It takes time and knowledge to be good at anything in life. To begin with, make sure you understand How The Stock Market Works. Start with the basics and work your way up. You did not pick up a book one day and start to read; first you learned the letters of the alphabet.
Decide how you are going to trade. Making this decision is going to tell you what you need to be reading to learn about it. Are you going to scalp day trade, swing trade, or buy and hold for the long run? Scalping involves buying large quantities of shares in a stock, and you are just looking for a small move in the stock price. Day trading is similar to scalping but you are looking for bigger moves in the price, and you do not hold the stock overnight. Swing trading is when you buy a stock and hold it for a short period of time looking for a substantial move in the price. Buy and hold is when you plan on holding on to the stock for a long time. You believe the company is going to grow in value and the price is going to go much higher.

Next you will need to understand what fundamental analysis and technical analysis is:
• Fundamental Analysis relies on economic supply and demand information, such as a stocks annual growth rate, and quarterly earnings. This can be very time consuming reading each company's financial reports. There is a paper called Investor’s Business Daily to help with this. If you are going to be trading in the markets you should not be without this paper.
• Technical Analysis is the study of time, price, and sentiment. The tool used for this is charts. Charts show a stock’s price history, and with practice we can see everything we need to know about a stock, just by looking at the chart.

The next thing you are going to need is a Stock Trading System. Many beginners jump in without a plan, you must have a plan in place, why and when you are going to enter the trade, when you are going to get out, and you must stick to the plan. Practice trading on paper before you opens an account to see how well you are doing. Once you are doing well on paper then it is time for the real deal.