NAVEEN CHOUDHARY | "Every person is a New door to a Different world."

The Fifth Mountain By Paulo Coelho

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In the ninth century b.c., the Phoenician princess Jezebel orders the execution of all the prophets who refuse to worship the pagan god Baal. Commanded by an angel of God to flee Israel, Elijah seeks safety in the land of Zarephath, where he unexpectedly finds true love with a young widow. But this newfound rapture is to be cut short, and Elijah sees all of his hopes and dreams irrevocably erased as he is swept into a whirlwind of events that threatens his very existence.
“When we lose a loved one, something within us dies. A bit of us dies with this enigmatic star.”

King Ahab. His "crime": denouncing the false gods that Jezebel has brought from her native Phoenicia, known to the Hebrews as Lebanon. Through an angel, God orders Elijah to make the arduous journey across the desert and take refuge in the Phoenician city of Zarephath, which its inhabitants call Akbar.

There, Elijah is befriended by a widow, older than him, who offers him lodging with her and her young son. Like her countrymen, she is a worshipper of Baal, who is said to reside with the other gods at the fog shrouded summit of the Fifth Mountain. Still, she and the Israelite gradually form a warm bond, though neither dare voice their feelings.

But events conspire against Elijah. When the woman's son becomes ill and dies, the blame falls on Elijah, who is accused of having brought misfortune with him. Taken before the High Priest of Akbar, he is condemned to die on the Fifth Mountain, from which no man returns. There, the priest declares, either he will be consumed by the fire from heaven or, should the gods choose not to sully their hands with him, upon his descent he will be beheaded in the city square.

On the Fifth Mountain, an angel of God directs him to descend and, through God's power, restore the boy to life. The people of Akbar, interpreting the miracle as a sign of the gods' favor, hail the Israelite as a sage. Soon he is settling disputes among the townspeople and becomes an adviser to the governor, evoking the wrath of the high priest.

As his feelings for the widow and her son grow, Elijah is torn between an earthly love he has never known and the desire to return to Israel and remove Jezebel from the throne, destroying idolatry and restoring the worship of the One God. But he must remain in Akbar until the Lord orders him to depart.

Phoenicia, the commercial center of the Mediterranean at this time, has a merchant fleet that trades throughout the known world. But the country's wealth draws the covetous attention of the Assyrians, who begin gathering a force to conquer the coastal cities of Sidon and Tyre -- and Akbar lies strategically in the advancing army's path. Soon Elijah finds himself at the center of a military and political maelstrom that challenges his faith and forces him to confront the unavoidable.

Out of the tragedy that emerges, Elijah learns lessons that are applicable to all of humankind and are as timeless as the desert sands and the mountains that gaze silently down on the ashes of Akbar. In a resolution that resonates vividly for modem men and women, he wrests from the unavoidable a new beginning, an opportunity to give meaning to tragedy and direction to a shattered life.

Written with the same masterful prose and clarity of vision that made The Alchemist an international phenomenon, The Fifth Mountain is a quietly moving account of a man touched by the hand of God who must triumph over his frustrations in a soul-shattering trial of faith.
This retelling of the life of Elijah by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho has an elegant simplicity to it — similar in spirit to the spiritual journey described in his bestselling The Alchemist. The prophet is forced to deal with "the unavoidable" when he least expects it. A crow and a shepherd help Elijah come to terms with his destiny. Only by struggling with the Most High does he find a way to rebuild his life and fulfill his mission. In The Fifth Mountain Coelho reveals the secrets of true questing — transcending the limitations of the past, breaking free from rigid habits, and practicing the impossible with enthusiasm and ardor.


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I meet and learn from Champions every day. Not just in locker rooms but in classrooms, hospitals, homeless shelters, homes and office buildings. I’ve learned that to be a champion you must Think Like a Champion. Champions think differently than everyone else. They approach their life and work with a different mindset and belief system that separates them from the pack.

1. Champions Expect to Win – When they walk on the court, on the field, into a meeting or in a classroom they expect to win. In fact they are surprised when they don’t win. They expect success and their positive beliefs often lead to positive actions and outcomes. They win in their mind first and then they win in the hearts and minds of their customers, students or fans.

2. Champions Celebrate the Small Wins – By celebrating the small wins champions gain the confidence to go after the big wins. Big wins and big success happen through the accumulation of many small victories. This doesn’t mean champions become complacent. Rather, with the right kind of celebration and reinforcement, champions work harder, practice more and believe they can do greater things.

3. Champions Don’t Make Excuses When They Don’t Win – They don’t focus on the faults of others. They focus on what they can do better. They see their mistakes and defeats as opportunities for growth. As a result they become stronger, wiser and better.

4. Champions Focus on What They Get To Do, Not What They Have To Do – They see their life and work as a gift not an obligation. They know that if they want to achieve a certain outcome they must commit to and appreciate the process. They may not love every minute of their journey but their attitude and will helps them develop their skill.

5. Champions Believe They Will Experience More Wins in the Future – Their faith is greater than their fear. Their positive energy is greater than the chorus of negativity. Their certainty is greater than all the doubt. Their passion and purpose are greater than their challenges. In spite of their situation champions believe their best days are ahead of them, not behind them.

If you don’t think you have what it takes to be a champion, think again. Champions aren’t born. They are shaped and molded. And as iron sharpens iron you can develop your mindset and the mindset of your team with the right thinking, beliefs and expectations that lead to powerful actions.

Who are you Who is dragging me? By Ock Soo Park

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“A book is food for the Heart”

Who are you Who is dragging me? (ISBN: 978-93-313-1880-0) is the second book of Ock Soo park. The author wrote about the world of Heart in the book. In India it is published by APH publishing House. The font and quality of the book is very good. The book is released on Nov 5, 2012 during the opening ceremony of IYF world Camp Delhi-2012 by the author. I got this book during that camp on the releasing date itself.

The purpose of writing this book is to teach the youth the world of heart as describes in the preface-

 Dedicated to the youth college students who are going through heartache due to never having learned the world of the heart and had no one to teach them.”

It is a mind book based on the author’s decades of experience and it is needed in this generation. It is a empirical book that traveled the globe and gives hope to the hearts of young people. People learn many things from their birth to their death. However, as the live, they never learned about the world of the heart, which is the most important and most necessary, and no one has thought them. The author discovered the stream of the heart, which is the world of the heart, in the Bible. The book comprises of various events that happened with the author. The book is well organized into different chapters that keep the readers interest alive. In the book various events, picture and experience had been given in order to explain the words more profoundly. The book is surely helps the reader in order to realize his shortcoming as the true wisdom lies I knowing your shortcomings. The books also flow with the words like our heart flows. The book is necessary in order to know the things which are needed by every human and we have failed to realize them. This book teach a lot of things and their importance liked how to hold the relationship, self-control, desires, wisdom, happiness, isolation and conversation etc.

Ock soo park religious man, a pastor according to the Korean classification of occupation. He without hesitation says the world’s happiest occupation is pastor. He has been described as an “ expert on youth problems“ and an “expert on mind lectures” these last few years. They are the nicknames presented to him from the youths whose lives has been changed through him, as he has met with, lectured to, and counseled over 100,000 youth all around the world for the last 20 years.For over 50 years since his birth, he has dedicated his efforts to spreading the gospel. His meeting with a young Korean –American named Andy in 1993 begin his interest in youth problem, and In 2001, he established the international youth fellowship. Every year he delivers mind lectures about the world of heart to young people all over the world.

He was bookworm during his youth and read all the books he could find around his hometown. He has read Bible countless times as he walked the path of pastor. He discovered that the important thing is not the number of times the Bible is read but the truth inside, which reveals the world of the heart. The Bible is like a comprehensive law report that holds all problems and their solutions people face.
Each year he goes around some 40 countries, he hosts 3-night/4days camps for college students in each country. On the last day of the camp he runs a marathon together with the college students. He willingly goes to the end of the earth if the place is seeking him.

A must read to everyone who want to realize his true strengths and shortcoming, and how to overcome them to become an intellectual, good person. This book will surely affect you deeply and will help you to overcome your problems and weaknesses.