NAVEEN CHOUDHARY | "Every person is a New door to a Different world."

How not to write an Internship CV

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A Google search on “How to write a CV” returns 66,200,000 pages and still we have people (and not just students alone) asking around tips on how to write a CV that stands out and conveys the message. Either those 66 million plus pages are written in Zulu language or the students are not reading them. How else do we explain student internship CVs running into 3+ pages even before the start of their professional career?
To me the fundamental problem seems to be arising because very few of us pause to think what is the exact purpose of a CV? What do you think a CV is supposed to do? The objective of a CV is one and only one – to get you an interview call. Once this becomes clear, everything else falls into place.
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